The series of posts that begins here constitutes a sequel to a previous entry I wrote about the LaVeyan principle of “Indulgence, not abstinence.” Similarly to that entry, it too is about the further implications of that principle - specifically, the idea that the free pursuit of pleasure, defined in whatever manner suits the individual, is a fundamental good of life that therefore ought to deserve more respect than it sometimes gets.
The central argument of this post is that inasmuch as indulgence is of the significance that it is, people ought not to police pleasure unless engaging in it is causing a clear-and-present identifiable harm. Among the things this specifically means are:
- Do not police pleasure on the basis of accusations of falsity.
- Do not police pleasure on the basis of supposed awkwardness.
- Do not police pleasure on the basis of it allegedly revealing something one ought to feel guilt or shame over.
Observing these rules re: not judging other peoples’ pleasure makes life a more pleasurable experience for everyone. Doing the opposite creates situations in which people are garbage toward one another for no good reason, all-too-often toward the end (whether intended or not) of promoting herd conformity.
This entry is already-written-and-complete as of today, but I’m going to split it into three entries spaced over the next few months, because i) it’s long and ii) then I don’t have to put my blog on hiatus due to being busy.
Today is thus merely part 1 of my extended “just let people like what they fucking like” rant. ;)
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